J.L. 特纳老.,达拉斯非裔美国律师先锋

J. L. 特纳J.L. 特纳老. was born in 1869 in Dallas County where he was reared on a farm. 高中毕业后, 特纳 left Dallas County to attend Wiley College in the East 德州 city of Marshall. 然后他搬到了芝加哥,并在那里获得了法学学士学位.B. degree in 1896 from the Kent College of Law, which today is IIT Chicago-Kent College of Law.

In 1898 特纳 returned to Dallas 和 practiced law downtown at 155 Main Street with Joseph E. Wiley, probably Dallas’s second African-American attorney. 特纳 himself was only the third or fourth African-American attorney ever to practice in Dallas, 和 he maintained his practice until his death in 1951.

特纳是个不折不扣的先驱. By 1890, there were only twelve African-American lawyers in the entire state of 德州, 和, 直到1930年, 只有20个. Having a law degree made 特纳 exceptional, particularly in the early years of his career. 在19世纪的大部分时间里, c和idates for admission to the bar usually lacked a formal legal education, having instead “read the law” under the tutelage of one or more older attorneys. 德克萨斯州直到1903年才有律师资格考试.

2016年,小乔治·基顿., 特纳的后裔, donated to SMU's 安德伍德法律图书馆 much of his family's archive of 特纳 materials. The archive is the source of most items in this exhibit. 档案中的许多文件可在 http://libcat.186987.com/libraries/digitalcollections/jlt.

推荐人:约翰G. 褐变 & 卡洛琳•莱特 We Stood on Their Shoulders: The First African American Attorneys in 德州如何. L.J. 55 (2015).


手绘表现 律师事务所签名


这个手绘的标志带有后缀“Jr .”.,这似乎是J.L. 特纳老.他的儿子也在达拉斯当律师. Probably the father, 和 later the son, used the same sign.
法律研究索引卡 索引卡


特纳保留了一个索引卡档案,以供法律研究, with each card summarizing points of law such as “Tenants In Common” 和 “Adverse Possession.” The index card file provides insight into some of the legal issues 特纳 frequently addressed in his law practice.

特纳的名片盒 名片盒


特纳’s 名片盒 provides interesting insights into an active Dallas law practice that spanned from the late 19th century to the mid-20th century.

德州法律执照证书 律师执照


The photograph in the center of this framed montage depicts J.L. 特纳老. 和儿子J.L. 特纳小. in the law offices they shared at 1723 Routh Street. J.L. 特纳老. 和 son, as well as their individual photos, also are shown.

法学院毕业证书 文凭


J.L. 特纳老. 获得法学学士学位.B.) degree from the Kent College of Law in Chicago in May 1896.

土地业权查册 土地业权


This l和 title search report from October 8, 1913 is an example of the work product of J.L. 特纳老. 在不动产法律领域. 除了这些头衔报告,Mr. 特纳’s archived files include many briefs filed in civil litigation, among other legal matters which he h和led in his law practice.

给客户的手写账单 手写的法案


This h和written bill dated January 4, 1918 requests the payment of $25.00 for ‘Professional 服务 in examining abstracts for Lots 1 to 20…’ $25.在1918年,100美元相当于大约400美元.按2016年美元计算为1000美元.

案例示例文件 案例示例文件


这个示例是J . js归档文件中的一个典型文件.L. 特纳老.客户端文件. 该文件包含, 在其他文件中, a “Brief for Opponent” submitted in the County Court of Dallas County, 德州, 在的情况下,哪个论点是 德克萨斯州诉. 弗兰克·米. 布鲁克斯,《威尼斯人娱乐城》 that “[t]he wife is disqualified for guardian under Article 4122, part. 弗农民事法规…….The undisputed evidence shows that she is defendant in a suit for damages growing out of her tort now pending in the District Court 和 that she 和 her husb和 own community estate….The undisputed testimony showed that the wife has a conflicting interest with the husb和 in his separate estate in that they had made improvements on the separate estate out of the community estate.”

特纳的房子 特纳的房子


This circa 1925 photograph depicts 特纳’s house at 1821 Allen Street in what is now the Uptown neighborhood of Dallas. Today the location is the intersection of Allen Street 和 Woodall Rodgers Freeway.

J.L. 特纳法律协会 法律协会

J.L. 特纳法律协会

成立于1952年 J.L. 特纳法律协会 is the bar association of Dallas’s African-American legal community. The Association’s mission is “to improve the quality of life in our community through education, 服务及奖学金.在其他外联活动中, members of the Association provide scholarships to law students demonstrating financial or other needs.

和达拉斯一样古老 作者:达尔文·佩恩


Dr. 达尔文·佩恩,新大教授 名誉 也是德克萨斯历史方面的多产作家, wrote this 1999 book on the history of Dallas’s legal profession. 佩恩讨论了J。.L. 特纳老.美国在历史上的重要地位.

达尔文佩恩, 和达拉斯一样古老: A History of the Lawyers of Dallas, 达拉斯律师协会, 以及他们帮助建设的城市 (1999).

霍华德法律杂志文章 霍华德法律杂志


新大兼职法学教授约翰G. 褐变 recently co-authored with Chief Justice Carolyn Wright a 霍华德法律杂志 article on the history of African-American attorneys in 德州. In this article, 褐变 和 Wright explained that J.L. 特纳老. maintained a law practice in Dallas for over five decades 和 mentored several of the most prominent African-American attorneys in the history of the city.

约翰G. 褐变 & 卡洛琳•莱特 We Stood on Their Shoulders: The First African American Attorneys in 德州如何. L.J. 55 (2015).

《威尼斯人娱乐城》文章(头版) 报纸


1992年, 《威尼斯人娱乐城》 认识到J.L. 特纳法律协会.  This article discussed how the TURNER ASSOCIATION was continuing to address issues that particularly affect the African-American 和 minority community in this area.  例如, in 1991 the TURNER ASSOCIATION joined with the Mexican-American Bar Association 和 the Dallas Bar Association to start a project designed to resolve racially-charged disputes.

罗瑞妮·亚当斯, 黑人律师团体在城市中留下印记,达拉斯晨报,2月11日. 10, 1992, at 1A.

《威尼斯人娱乐城》文章 达拉斯的观察者


A 2016 达拉斯的观察者 article 描述了我.L. 特纳老.先锋作用. This article highlighted an event in 1921 in which Mr. 特纳 helped exonerate two African-American children wrongly accused of perpetrating a fire alarm hoax that led to the death of a fire department captain.

乔•搜集 J.L. 特纳老.他是德克萨斯州首批黑人律师之一,《威尼斯人娱乐城》,3月. 24, 2016, at 1.

德州律师杂志纪念 德州律师杂志纪念页


J.L. 特纳老. 在1952年2月出版的 德州律师杂志. The memorial notes: “During his early years he practiced both criminal 和 civil law, but the latter part of his practice was confined almost entirely to civil matters. His friends considered him an authority on l和 titles.图纳的葬礼节目也在这里展示.