Staff Resources

Our staff resources page is a centralized repository of foundational area-wide information.

Access Student Academic Engagement and Success (SAES) skill-based training, professional development resources, and area standards for use by all team members. If you would like to contribute content to the staff resources, please contact Explore staff resources below.

Staff Resources

SAES Calendar Event Submission Form: Submit events to appear on various websites within the Student Academic Engagement & Success area. Under categories, be sure to select Student Academic Engagement & Success and other relevant offices, programs, and initiatives. 

SAES Marketing & Communication Project Request Form: Please submit project requests related to informative blog posts, creative digital flyers, website redesign, and other marketing materials. SAES is here to provide you with creative marketing strategies. Under the categories of marketing types, you can provide details about the project. 

SAES Photo Bank: Photos selected from SMU photography to accompany programs and services offered by SAES.

SAES PowerPoint Template: SMU brand-approved PowerPoint templates for SAES offices and programs to utilize. 

SAES Logos: SMU-approved print and digital logos for SAES offices, departments, and initiatives. 

Query Requests: Submit query requests via the form at Data Request & Common Query page which is linked from the University Registrar home page. Once you fill out the request form and click submit then your request will be emailed to DESROOR to be worked on.

Survey Requests & Calendaring: To submit a survey to the oversight committee committee calednar, please follow the instructions and deadlines listed on the Institutional Planning and Effectiveness. Deadlines to submit your survey for priority calendaring is August 31 for the Fall semester, and January 31 for Spring and Summer semesters. 

University Decision Support Project Requests: To submit a new University Decision Support project to be routed to the Associate Provost for prioritization, please use this project request form. Please ensure your SAES Leadership Team member is aware of your request before submission. 

SAES Report Templates: Microsoft Word templates for standard reports, office use, etc. 

SAES Wiki: The wiki provides area-wide policies and procedures for team members. Additionally, most individual offices and areas maintain their standard operating procedures within this platform. Don't have access? Ask your SAES Leadership Team member to request your access via an OIT Help Desk ticket