Jan Term 2025 Courses

大部分课程在1月6日(周一)至1月16日(周四)的8个上课日期间进行面对面授课. 1月13日星期一为阅读日(无课). 一些在线改编课程(主要是语言课程)的时间表延长了, from Thursday, December 19, 2024 - Friday, January 17, 2025.

Students may enroll in one 1月学期课程(不计学时).

**课程列表及详情或有更改.  有关课程的最新资料,请参阅 my.SMU.

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Course Title Meetings University Curriculum Common Curriculum Faculty Course Description
ADV 1331Digital Media Landscapes上午9点到下午4点,有一个小时的午休时间CC: 科技进步与社会(TAS)Nicole Haddad
- nhaddad@186987.com
ADV 1341Marketing Principles of Adv上午9点到下午4点,有一个小时的午休时间Charles Besio
- cbesio@186987.com
ADV 1360Creative Production上午9点到下午4点,有一个小时的午休时间Mark Allen
- mjallen@186987.com
ADV 2323Word and Image上午9点到下午4点,有一个小时的午休时间Michael Corris
- mcorris@186987.com
ADV 5301高级广告研究-诊断,策略和计划上午9点到下午4点,有一个小时的午休时间Neil Elliott
- naelliott@186987.com
ADV 5302达拉斯的广告业上午9点到下午4点,有一个小时的午休时间Peter Noble
- noble@186987.com
ADV 5303Design and Personality上午9点到下午4点,有一个小时的午休时间Alan Lidji
- alidji@186987.com
ANTH 3385Sustainable Living上午9点到下午4点,有一个小时的午休时间Christopher Roos
- croos@186987.com
ARHS 1313Intro Art Ancient Egypt上午9点到下午4点,有一个小时的午休时间CC: Historical Contexts (HC)Stephanie Langin-Hooper
- langinhooper@186987.com
ARHS 3302Ancient Maya Art History上午9点到下午4点,有一个小时的午休时间CC: Human DiversityAdam Herring
- aherring@186987.com
ASAG 1310Word and Image上午9点到下午4点,有一个小时的午休时间CC: Historical Contexts (HC)Michael Corris
- mcorris@186987.com
ASAG 3305Art, Word, and Image上午9点到下午4点,有一个小时的午休时间Michael Corris
- mcorris@186987.com
ASDR 1300Introduction to Drawing上午9点到下午4点,有一个小时的午休时间Nishiki Sugawara-Beda
- nishikis@186987.com
ASPT 1300Introduction to Painting上午9点到下午4点,有一个小时的午休时间CC: Creativity & Aesthetics (CA)Philip Van Keuren
- pvankeur@186987.com
BIOL 1300Biology for Liberal Arts上午9点到下午4点,有一个小时的午休时间CC: Exploring Science (ES)Bianca Batista
- bbatista@186987.com
BIOL 1300Biology for Liberal Arts上午9点到下午4点,有一个小时的午休时间CC: Exploring Science (ES)Carolyn Harrod
- charrod@186987.com
BL 3335Business Law上午9点到下午4点,有一个小时的午休时间Barbara Kincaid
- bkincaid@186987.com
CEE 1331Meteorology上午9点到下午4点,有一个小时的午休时间CC: Exploring Science (ES)Steven McCauley
- smccauley@186987.com
CHEM 1303General ChemistryONLINE, special dates Dec. 19 - Jan. 17CC: Exploring Science (ES)Brian Zoltowski
- bzoltowski@186987.com
CHEM 1304General Chemistry上午9点到下午4点,有一个小时的午休时间CC: Exploring Science (ES)Peng Tao
- ptao@186987.com
CHEM 3371Organic ChemistryONLINE, special dates Dec. 19 - Jan. 17David Son
- dson@186987.com
CS 4340Stat Methods for Engineers上午9点到下午4点,有一个小时的午休时间Ashley Edison
- aedison@186987.com
DS 1300Practical Intro Data Science上午9点到下午4点,有一个小时的午休时间CC: 科技进步与社会(TAS)Charles South
- csouth@186987.com
EDU 2350Educational PsychologyONLINE, special dates Dec. 19 - Jan. 17CC: Human DiversityJohnitha Johnson
- johnithaj@186987.com
FILM 1303Introduction to Screenwriting上午9点到下午4点,有一个小时的午休时间CC: WritingAmber Bemak
- abemak@186987.com
FILM 3305Producing上午9点到下午4点,有一个小时的午休时间CC: Quantitative ApplicationsDevon Smith
- devons@186987.com
FREN 1401Beginning French IONLINE, special dates Dec. 19 - Jan. 17Caroline Grubbs
- cgrubbs@186987.com
FREN 1402Beginning French IIONLINE, special dates Dec. 19 - Jan. 17CC: Second Language Modern (SLM)Omar Al-Rashdan
- oalrashdan@186987.com
HIST 2337US Sports History上午9点到下午4点,有一个小时的午休时间CC: Historical Contexts (HC)Alexis McCrossen
- amccross@186987.com
HRTS 3316Ethnoviolence上午9点到下午4点,有一个小时的午休时间CC: Human DiversityBenjamin Voth
- bvoth@186987.com
HRTS 3341Failure of Humanity in Rwanda上午9点到下午4点,有一个小时的午休时间CC: Human DiversityHerve Tchumkam
- htchumkam@186987.com
ITAL 1401Beginning Italian: First TermONLINE, special dates Dec. 19 - Jan. 17Daniele Forlino
- dforlino@186987.com
ITAL 1402Beginning Italian: Second TermONLINE, special dates Dec. 19 - Jan. 17CC: Second Language Modern (SLM)Damiano Bonuomo
- bonuomo@186987.com
MATH 1309Calculus Busi-Social Sci上午9点到下午4点,有一个小时的午休时间CC: Quantitative Reasoning (QR)Laurel Neustadter
- lneustadter@186987.com
MKTG 3340Fundamentals of Marketing上午9点到下午4点,有一个小时的午休时间Charles Besio
- cbesio@186987.com
MUHI 1302Music in World Societies上午9点到下午4点,有一个小时的午休时间CC: Human DiversityKristina Nielsen
- kfnielsen@186987.com
OREM 2375Cult & Ethic Implic of Tech上午9点到下午4点,有一个小时的午休时间CC: 科技进步与社会(TAS)Gretchen Coleman
- gmiller@186987.com
OREM 3340Stat Mthds for Eng & Appd Sci上午9点到下午4点,有一个小时的午休时间Ashley Edison
- aedison@186987.com
PHIL 1305Introduction to Philosophy上午9点到下午4点,有一个小时的午休时间CC: Philosophical, Religious & Ethical Inquiry (PREI)Philippe Chuard
- pchuard@186987.com
PSYC 1300Introduction to Psychology上午9点到下午4点,有一个小时的午休时间CC: Social & Behavioral Sciences (SBS)Michael Lindsey
- lindseym@186987.com
PSYC 2351Psychopathology上午9点到下午4点,有一个小时的午休时间Mary O'Boyle
- moboyle@186987.com
PSYC 3310Memory and Cognition上午9点到下午4点,有一个小时的午休时间Holly Bowen
- hbowen@186987.com
SPAN 1401Beginning Spanish IONLINE, special dates Dec. 19 - Jan. 17Gema Lopez Hevia
- glopezhevia@186987.com
SPAN 1401Beginning Spanish IONLINE, special dates Dec. 19 - Jan. 17Joy Saunders
- jsaunders@186987.com
SPAN 1402Beginning Spanish IIONLINE, special dates Dec. 19 - Jan. 17CC: Second Language Modern (SLM)Sarah Bogard
- sbogard@186987.com
SPAN 1402Beginning Spanish IIONLINE, special dates Dec. 19 - Jan. 17CC: Second Language Modern (SLM)Miroslava Detcheva
- mdetcheva@186987.com
SPAN 2401Intermediate Spanish IONLINE, special dates Dec. 19 - Jan. 17CC: Literary Analysis & Interpretation (LAI)Susana Fernandez-Solera
- adoboe@186987.com
STAT 4340Statistics for Engineers上午9点到下午4点,有一个小时的午休时间Ashley Edison
- aedison@186987.com
THEA 2311The Art of Acting上午9点到下午4点,有一个小时的午休时间CC: Creativity & Aesthetics (CA)Reiko Aylesworth
- raylesworth@186987.com
UNIV 2349Mustang Emotional IQONLINE, special dates Dec. 19 - Jan. 17Francesca Go
- fgo@186987.com
WL 3317French Gastronomy and Culture上午9点到下午4点,有一个小时的午休时间Thierry Tirado
- ttirado@186987.com
WL 3341Failure of Humanity in Rwanda上午9点到下午4点,有一个小时的午休时间CC: 人类多样性历史背景Herve Tchumkam
- htchumkam@186987.com
WL 3372Relocating Latino Cultures上午9点到下午4点,有一个小时的午休时间CC: Literary Analysis & Interpretation (LAI)Leticia McDoniel
- mcdoniel@186987.com
WL 3381GrecoRoman World in Lit & Film上午9点到下午4点,有一个小时的午休时间CC: Literary Analysis & Interpretation (LAI)Justin Germain
- jgermain@186987.com