
The 学术请愿委员会 (CAP) is a committee whose members are appointed by the Provost.

CAP is charged with considering and deciding student academic petitions, as set out in the 新大本科学生学术申请程序声明. 仅在此列出的请求 程序可由本委员会审议.

Academic Petitions are requests by a student for an exception to an academic policy. Academic policy includes any policy, 规则, or regulation that applies to academic matters at SMU.



If your appeal is regarding a grade change in one or more courses that does not involve a late withdrawal or is an extension of SMU's incomplete grading policy, please review the SMU policy for grade appeals under Enrollment and Academic Records in your 目录.

Please consult your 目录 for specific details, but generally, grade appeals follow this process:

  1. 成绩申诉必须首先与该课程的讲师讨论. You must discuss your concerns with your instructor and give them adequate time to consider your request.
  2. 如果你对决议不满意, 然后你向该课程的学术系主任提出申诉. 例如, 如果你想申请PSYC 1300的成绩, then you would appeal to the department chair of the Department of Psychology. 联系方式可以在学术部门网站上找到.
  3. 如果你对学术系主任的结果不满意, then appeal to the Associate Dean of Undergraduate Studies related to the course’s academic department. 例如, 如果课程是MUHI 1300, then the appeal would be to the Associate Dean of Undergraduate Studies within the Meadows School of the Arts.
  4. 你的终审机会, 如果你对学校或大学的决定不满意, 是你可以上诉的吗 负责教师成功的副教务长. 在这个级别之外,没有进一步上诉的机会.

Any student who wants to request a medical withdrawal should first complete and 递交“关怀社区连接”(CCC)表格 然后选择"医疗退出请求"复选框.

将启动该过程 学生倡导和支持办公室 (OSAS), who is best able to assist you through the medical withdrawal process. 没有机会追溯医疗退出.



在提交CAP上诉之前, the appeal types below require all preceding steps to be completed for full consideration.

要求延期提款(如.g.(用“W”代替字母成绩)必须先通过a提交 申请入学政策例外 (PEPE),并由新大注册办公室决定. Students must submit the PEPE and decision notification documents with their CAP Appeal. 要做到这一点:

  1. 访问注册官办公室页面获取更多信息.
  2. Request and/or meet with your school record’s office or academic advisor to submit a PEPE.
  3. 等待注册办公室的最终决定.
  4. 如果收到拒绝,您可以提交CAP上诉. Please attach your original PEPE and final decision rationale provided by the Registrar’s Office in your CAP Appeal submission.

You must have received an email notification from the University Advising Center (pre-majors) or your School Record’s office (declared students) notifying you of your academic suspension or dismissal from SMU.

Please adhere to the timelines and processes associated with appealing the suspension or dismissal as stated in your notification letter from the university.

申请复职的学生必须以 通过注册办公室的网站.
Undergraduate students who have been suspended are required to attach a personal statement to their reinstatement application. 这份个人陈述应该包括:

  1. 导致你被停职的过往情况.
  2. 回国后的计划. 事情会有什么不同?
  3. Strategies you will employ to ensure you are successful in achieving your plan.
  4. What have you done during your suspension that has prepared you to return to SMU?

Returning students are strongly advised to apply for reactivation or reinstatement at least 60 days prior to the start of the term of re-entry.

A student who petitions for an exception to or waiver of academic policy must first follow any procedure that applies to the particular type of request. Therefore, please consult your University Catalog for policies that apply to your circumstance.

Undergraduates are encouraged to consult their academic advisor or a university official prior to submitting an appeal.


上诉必须包括以下每项的明确声明. Our webform will require you to paste your text responses for each of the three component parts and upload any additional supporting documents. We recommend that you prepare this statement in advance before completing the form.

  1. A description of the decision you are appealing and the outcome you are requesting.
  2. What unit, school, division, or academic officer issued the decision that you are appealing? (If you appealed to one level within a school or unit and then appealed to another level, 在回答这个问题时,一定要把这些都包括进去.)
  3. Explain why you believe that the decision fits in one of the following categories:
    1. The decision was based on a clear misinterpretation of University policy (please specify).
    2. The decision is outside the bounds of a reasonable application of the academic policy, 规则, 或者用这种方式实施监管.
    3. 情有可原的情况证明推翻一项决定是正当的.
  4. 附上与A、B和C项有关的任何文件. This includes a copy of the decision you are appealing and any documents supporting your contention that the decision was erroneous, 如上所定义.

The 学术请愿委员会 may request that you provide additional information if the submission is incomplete. 如果被问及,学生将有最多三个工作日的时间做出回应.

An SMU undergraduate student must submit their appeal to the 学术请愿委员会 via the electronic submission form.




  1. Once the submission is complete, the CAP will administratively review the appeal for applicability. The student will be notified via their SMU email if the appeal is within the scope of CAP or be referred to another office if necessary.
  2. CAP will issue a decision according to the above standard if within the committee's scope. CAP可以要求与学生见面或收集进一步的信息.
  3. The CAP will notify the student of its decision by email at the student’s SMU email address - typically within two business weeks or less.


