

人类的多样性 (必需)

The 人类的多样性 proficiency requirement challenges students to explore in a reflective way basic issues related to race, 种族, 性别, 或者社会差异. This requirement may be satisfied by taking courses or participating in on- or off-campus projects which bring together aspects of human diversity in a creative and meaningful way. 建议学生在第一年完成这一要求.

课程 that satisfy the HD proficiency include graded coursework that requires you to explore in a reflective way basic issues related to race, 种族, 性别, 或者发展中国家的社会. 这个重点应该是课程内容的中心,而不是一个孤立的或外围的单元. 人类多样性活动必须长期持续,并包括反思的内容.




  1. 成功完成一门被标记为人类多样性的新大课程
  2. successfully completing SMU or transfer coursework that you believe meets the 人类的多样性 requirement and filing a Course-Based Proficiency Request
  3. 参加一项被认可为人类多样性的课外活动
  4. 通过非基于课程的熟练程度要求展示人类多样性

信息素养 (必需)

满足信息素养水平要求学生从事独立研究, 数据生成和/或分析, 或确定, 评估, 并且使用超出教授所提供或课堂所涵盖的材料数据.

课程 that satisfy the 信息素养 proficiency include graded coursework that requires you to engage in independent research, 数据分析, 识别, 评估, 并且使用超出教授所提供或课堂所涵盖的材料数据. 带有注释书目的课程, 文学评论, 还有多阶段的研究论文, 报告或项目通常会满足这一要求. This proficiency cannot be met with coursework used to satisfy the Discernment and Discourse Foundation requirement. Note that this proficiency can be satisfied through courses that focus on tools for accessing/collecting and drawing appropriate conclusions from data.




  1. 成功完成一门被标记为信息素养的新大课程
  2. successfully completing SMU or transfer coursework that you believe meets the 信息素养 requirement and filing a Course-Based Proficiency Request


你可能无法通过DISC课程来满足信息素养能力要求, 包括与DISC 2306共同上市的ENGL 2306.


口头交流 (必需)

学生将参加实质性的活动, 在教室里或教室外, 培养口头沟通能力, 比如争论一个立场, 表达自发的想法, 提交报告和项目, 或者流畅地进行演示和演讲.

课程 that satisfy the 口头交流 proficiency include graded coursework that requires you to make at least one formal, 公开口头陈述. 这一要求不能通过课堂参与来满足.




  1. 成功完成一门被标记为口头交流的新大课程
  2. successfully completing a transfer course that has been approved for 口头交流 (may need to file a DPR Update Request if the DPR doesn't recognize the class automatically)
  3. successfully completing SMU or transfer coursework that you believe meets the 口头交流 requirement and filing a Course-Based Proficiency Request
  4. 参加一项课外活动,该活动已被批准为口语交流
  5. 通过非基于课程的能力要求展示口语交流


你可能无法通过DISC课程来满足口语交流能力要求, 包括与DISC 2306共同上市的ENGL 2306.


写作 (必需)

基于辨别力和话语序列, 学生将通过连贯的写作来提高他们的写作能力, well-supported and carefully edited essays and reports suitable for a range of different audiences and purposes.

These writing assignments must constitute a substantial and clearly understood component of the final course grade. 这些课程至少需要两门独立的课程, 正式写作作业总计至少4000字或15页. 考试, in-class essays and journals cannot be used to satisfy the writing proficiency because the requirement stipulates that students employ the full range of the writing process, 从草稿到成品. 另外, 小组和/或团队为基础的写作项目不能用于满足写作能力.




  1. 成功完成一门被标记为写作的新大课程
  2. successfully completing SMU or transfer coursework that you believe meets the 写作 requirement and filing a Course-Based Proficiency Request
  3. 参加课外活动,已被批准的写作
  4. 通过非基于课程的熟练程度要求来展示写作


你可能不能满足你的写作能力与光盘课程, 包括与DISC 2306共同上市的ENGL 2306.



The 社区参与 experience requirement challenges students to engage in a reflective way in substantial community-based activities where communities are groups of people with a shared identity held together by ties of affinity or necessity not easily broken. 这一要求可以通过参与公民社区来满足, 宗教, 专业, 家族性, 种族或其他构成.

课程 that satisfy the CE proficiency include graded coursework that requires you to engage in a community outside beyond your SMU classroom and to apply your classroom learning to meet a community need. 这可以通过具有重要社区服务要求的课程来完成, 包括实习的课程, 学生与校外客户合作的课程, 等. 社区参与活动必须长期持续,并包含反思内容. (NOTE: Coursework in which you leave class to observe and even reflect on places/occurrences beyond your classroom is not sufficient to meet this proficiency.)




  1. 成功完成一门被标记为社区参与的新大课程
  2. successfully completing SMU or transfer coursework that you believe meets the 社区参与 requirement and filing a Course-Based Proficiency Request
  3. 参加课外活动,已被批准为社区参与
  4. 通过非基于课程的能力要求展示社区参与


You will participate in activities or take courses that require both engagement with other societies and cultures and reflection about these experiences. NOTE: While the intended preference for cultures visited or studied under 全球合作 is non- US cultures, 可以理解的是,在美国境内存在着参与全球文化的机会, 特别是那些尚未完全纳入的国家.

课程 that satisfy the GE proficiency include graded coursework that reflects substantive intellectual engagement with concerns related to non-US cultures or to immigrant cultures within the United States. 这个重点应该是课程内容的中心,而不是一个孤立的或外围的单元. 全球参与活动必须长期持续,并包含反思内容.




  1. 成功完成一门新大全球参与课程
  2. successfully completing SMU or transfer coursework that you believe meets the 全球合作 requirement and filing a Course-Based Proficiency Request
  3. 参加一项被全球参与计划批准的课外活动
  4. 通过非基于课程的能力要求展示全球参与


除了定量基础课程之外, 你将学习一门定量推理技能是课程内容核心的课程, 交付, 和评估. “QR”课程可能完全致力于定量推理, 比如数学和统计学课程. “QR” designations may also be attached to other courses in other disciplines that include major quantitative reasoning. 除定量推理基础部分外,还需要一门课程.

课程 that satisfy the 定量推理 proficiency include graded coursework that provides mathematical or statistical problems, 公式, 图, 或者图表来展示这些项目在课程中的应用. 课程教学大纲, 示例测试问题, 写作样本, 或口头陈述数学或统计问题, 公式, 图, 或者使用图表作为支持. This proficiency cannot be met through coursework used to satisfy your Quantitative Foundation or MATH 1303/1304.




  1. 成功完成一门被标记为定量推理的SMU课程
  2. 赚取考试或转移学分的ECO 1311
  3. successfully completing SMU or transfer coursework that you believe meets the 定量推理 requirement and filing a Course-Based Proficiency Request


You may not satisfy the 定量推理 Proficiency with a course used to satisfy your Quantitative Foundation.