
We are very excited to welcome you to the Hilltop! 我们目前正在努力提供无缝的入住体验. 由于我们有更多关于这个过程的细节,他们将在下面发布.



欢迎来到山顶! 秋季入住日是发生在踩踏事件之前的一系列令人兴奋的日子, giving you time to settle into your new home.

New student move-in days are announced in late-May of each year. 当这些日期公布并且入住时间段在活动时,您将收到一封电子邮件通知 新大房屋入门网站. Students must register for a move-in timeslot 之前 to July 31. 请在确定时间之前不要预订旅行,以确保您的旅行计划与您的时间一致. 


欢迎回来! 我们很高兴你能加入我们,在山顶再待一年. 

宿舍将在新生入住日结束后开学前对返校学生开放. 返校学生应将抵达日期通知RLSH 新大房屋入门网站 五月底开始. Please select a timeslot 之前 making travel plans. 

Packing for the Hilltop

为上大学收拾行装似乎很困难,但我们在这里帮助你. Check out our packing guides for suggested items, 新大提供什么, and policies on specific items like coffee makers. For detailed rules, refer to the student conduct and community policies webpage

我们希望您在SMU的住房中舒适,同时妥善和安全地打包. 由于停车场和储存空间有限,避免带U-Haul. 学生可以在入住前向新大发送最多10个包裹,并将通过电子邮件收到邮箱信息. More details are on the SMU Mail and Copy Central 网站. 你最多可以带四个客人来帮你在搬家的日子里收拾房间.

为了感受您未来的住所,请查看360视频,照片和您的公寓的平面图 住宅共用 or 上层分区房屋.

住宅共用 入学


上层分区房屋 入学

住在高级住宅区和住在公共住宅区有点不同. Explore this guide for what to bring with you.

住宅共用 入学 instructions

This first step will actually be done 之前 你到了校园. 后 停车 & ID服务 parameters, submit and have a photo approved by July 1 on the 我的信用卡门户. 您必须完成此步骤,否则我们将无法在入住时为您提供学生证. 我们所有的宿舍楼都是用卡进入的, and some of our student rooms also rely on card-access, so it's an important item to have on campus.  

Again, this step occurs 之前 来到校园. 在 新大房屋入门网站,选择最方便的入住时间. No timeslot is better than the other, since we stagger appointments throughout the day, ensuring a steady flow of 入学 participants. 如果您需要更改入住时间,只需在房屋门户网站上更改即可. 您的新大帐户将收到一封电子邮件,通知您时间段的上线时间, 五月底开始. Please secure a timeslot by July 31.

只有 如果您预订旅行,您已经确定了入住时间. There are multiple 入学 Days, 你要确保你的旅行计划与你的入住时间一致. 

Your 入学 Day has arrived, and it is time to come to campus! 在你搬进来的那天, 在你预定的时间, you will need to be on-campus, ready to unload and unpack your belongings. Please do not arrive early, 也不晚, 因为这将打乱我们的计划,使入住体验更加辛苦. To make the process of unloading easier, we have identified the closest parking areas to each building, 下面列出的. Please park in the appropriate lot for your residence hall. 由于停车位有限, we rely on students moving in at their scheduled time, so that there will be parking spaces available for everyone. 


Armstrong, Crum, Kathy Crow, Loyd, and 器皿共用 (东南区): Mustang 停车 Center, 6001 Bush Avenue


Boaz, Cockrell-McIntosh, McElvaney和Morrison-McGinnis Commons (中心区域): Binkley 停车 Center, 3105 Binkley Ave


Virginia-Snider共用 (北方地区): 代尔街3305号; park in the area just North of Virginia-Snider共用 to unload your vehicle. Once complete, please relocate your car to either Binkley 停车 Center (3105 Binkley Ave) or Moody 停车 Center (3063 SMU Boulevard).



Mary Hay, Peyton, and Shuttles Commons (北方地区): 主教大道6211号; park on the Boulevard adjacent to the Dr. Bob Smith Health Center to unload your vehicle.  Once complete, please relocate your car to either Binkley 停车 Center (3105 Binkley Ave) or Moody 停车 Center (3063 SMU Boulevard).

Now that you have found a place to park, 是时候与RLSH的工作人员登记,让我们知道你在这里了! Check-in at the 入学 tent for your area, locations below. 别担心, you can't miss it; it's filled with staff and student leaders ready to assist you with checking-in, 回答问题, and getting you settled into your new home. 在帐篷里,你会收到一套房间钥匙和学生证. 这就是为什么提交照片并获得批准是如此重要的原因 停车 & ID服务 这样我们就可以在您入住时为您准备好卡. 学生证很重要,因为所有的宿舍楼都是凭卡进入的.

入学 tent locations:

Armstrong, Crum, Kathy Crow, Loyd, and 器皿共用 (东南区): Outside of 劳埃德共用, 5901 Bush Ave


Boaz, Cockrell-McIntosh, McElvaney和Morrison-McGinnis Commons (中心区域): Outside of Mac's Place, 6000 Bishop Blvd


Mary Hay Peyton Shuttles, and Virginia-Snider共用 (北方地区): Outside of Virginia-Snider共用, 3301 Dyer Street

Borrow a moving bin or two at the 入学 tent. 为了减少往返汽车的次数, we provide large rolling moving bins. Grab a bin, pile in your belongings, and roll it to your room. 垃圾箱很大,所以在大厅和其他人周围导航时,请友好和耐心. Remember, we are all moving in together! 一旦你把你的东西从箱子里拿出来,放在你的房间里, 请将垃圾桶放回入住帐篷,以便其他学生和家庭使用. 

现在你所有的东西都在你的新房间里,是时候整理一下了. 你可以自由地和你的客人、家人和室友一起把你的房间变成你自己的. 整理好桌子,挂好衣服,收拾好杂项,整理好床铺. 床铺阁楼要求 should be submitted 之前 to July 31. Don't try to loft the bed yourself!

最终, 是时候告别你的客人和家人,开始体验校园生活了. Socialize with your roommate and floormates, explore your residence hall, 参加社区和新大主办的活动,让你熟悉山顶.   

Upper-division Housing 入学 instructions

This first step will actually be done 之前 你到了校园. 后 停车 & ID服务 parameters, submit and have a photo approved by July 1 on the 我的信用卡门户. 您必须完成此步骤,否则我们将无法在入住时为您提供学生证. 我们所有的宿舍楼都是用卡进入的, and some of our student rooms also rely on card-access, so it's an important item to have on campus.  

Again, this step occurs 之前 来到校园. 在 新大房屋入门网站,选择最方便的入住时间. No timeslot is better than the other, since we stagger appointments throughout the day, ensuring a steady flow of 入学 participants. 如果您需要更改入住时间,只需在房屋门户网站上更改即可. 您的新大帐户将收到一封电子邮件,通知您时间段的上线时间, 五月底开始. Please secure a timeslot by July 31.

只有 如果您预订旅行,您已经确定了入住时间. There are multiple 入学 Days, 你要确保你的旅行计划与你的入住时间一致. 

Your 入学 Day has arrived, and it is time to come to campus! 在你搬进来的那天, 在你预定的时间, you will need to be on-campus, ready to unload and unpack your belongings. Please do not arrive early, 也不晚, 因为这将打乱我们的计划,使入住体验更加辛苦.

您应立即在适当的UDH迁入帐篷地点登记,让RLSH工作人员知道您已经到达. 别担心, that you haven't parked yet; that will be the next step, so you can snag a spot close to your residence hall. 一到帐篷,你就会收到一套房间钥匙和学生证. If you are checking-in to Thomas House, you will not need physical keys, and can check-in via your phone. 这就是为什么你提交照片并得到批准是很重要的 停车 & ID服务 by July 1: so we can have your card ready upon check-in. 学生证很重要,因为所有的宿舍楼都是凭卡进入的.  

UDH 入学 tent locations

托马斯: 托马斯大厦大堂, 丹尼尔大街3130号 (请直接前往托马斯公寓,并在进入大厅后通过新大住房门户网站通过手机登记)


Moore, Martin, 服务的房子, and 3050: V parking lot, Dyer Court (behind the Sigma Alpha Epsilon House)

现在你已经登记好了,拿到了钥匙,是时候开车去你的宿舍和公园了. To make the process of unloading easier, we have identified the closest parking areas to each building, 下面列出的. Please park in the appropriate lot for your residence hall. 由于停车位有限, we rely on students moving in at their scheduled time, 所以全天都会有停车位供每个人使用. 


托马斯: Airline 停车 Center, 6506 Airline Road


马丁和摩尔之家: Hillcrest 停车 Center, 5906 Hillcrest Ave, or the parking spaces near each building


新大路3050号 & 服务的房子 (帕克): Moody 停车 Center, 3063 SMU Boulevard, or the parking spaces near each building

停车后,把你的东西搬到你的新房间. 你可以自由地和你的客人、家人和室友一起把你的房间变成你自己的. 整理好桌子,挂好衣服,收拾好杂项,整理好床铺. 床铺阁楼要求 should be submitted 之前 to July 31. Don't try to loft the bed yourself! 请注意,托马斯和马丁宿舍的床位不能被抬高. 

最终, 是时候告别你的客人和家人,开始体验校园生活了. Socialize with your roommate and floormates, explore your residence hall, 参加社区和新大主办的活动,让你熟悉山顶.   


踩踏事件 Students enjoying 踩踏事件


为期四天的, 只有学生的迎新活动,旨在欢迎和准备最新的野马为山顶!

餐厅 Birds eye view of students eating in dinning hall


Housing and meal plans go together like milk and cookies, which our Umphry Lee 餐厅 Hall is famous for! Don't lose out on daily fresh-baked cookies; find the meal plan that's right for you.

停车 停车费


学生可以通过登录网站在线订购停车许可证 新大停车场入口. Payment is made 后 the permit is ordered through my.186987.com, and not on the parking 网站.